Friday 16 November 2012

Well, today was set up day...which bizarrely felt almost...unnecessary; unnecessary for myself as the artist. It has become more and more apparent that the work has been very much concerned with process. The process of gathering material, in the form of a response to my relationship to the woodland. The act of reproduction, of an industrious act during the creation of the worded pellets. The actual installation and the work feels 'safe' - this displeases me. I like an edge. This has most likely come to be as a feeling of needing to be safe amongst the general public as supposed to those who may visit a gallery and therefore are prepared for something a little less safe.

The 2nd Phase completed...the 3rd Phase is to follow on collection of whatever matter remains. The work will no longer continue to stand as Word Colony, 2012. It now stands within the woodland in a state of flux...

1 comment:

I love feedback...please go ahead!